Light Of Guidance (AI-Midjourney)

Ibn Mas’ud ‏رضي الله عنه narrated that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, explained the following words of Allah, the Exalted: “The hearts of those whom Allah wills to guide, He opens to Islam.” (Qur’an 6.125) This means, the Prophet explained, that, “When the light (of truth) enters the heart it expands and opens up.” The Companions asked: “Is there any evidence of this (in the life of a Muslim)?” He replied: “Being ever mindful of the eternal life of the Hereafter, and remaining at guard in this life of delusion, and preparing oneself for death before it comes.”

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It's Never Too Late To Start Something New!

Did you have dreams as a child that you gave up on? We all had goals in our younger years that didn’t end up working out for us. At some point on our journey we decided it wasn’t going to be and moved on with our lives. I’m not referring to changing life goals; I’m talking about the dreams we never stopped wanting but for some reason or another we gave up.

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